Minced Meat Loaf with Paprika Pumpkin and Mashed Potatoes

Rating: 4.09 / 5.00 (191 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6.0 (servings)

For the labs:

For the bell bell pepper squash:

For the mashed potatoes:


For the mashed potatoes, place the peeled potatoes in salted water and boil until soft.

Let them steam out a bit in the hot oven and press them through a potato press.

Mix with brown butter and warm milk and blend to a creamy puree.

Season with salt and nutmeg and keep warm.

For the minced rissoles, soak bread cubes in lukewarm milk, finely chop onions and sauté in olive oil until golden brown.

Squeeze out the bread cubes and knead them with the remaining ingredients and the onions to a spicy homogeneous mass.

Form 12 loafs from the mass and turn them in breadcrumbs and slowly fry in vegetable oil until golden brown – keep warm.

For the paprika pumpkin, cut the peeled pumpkin into fine noodles or grate.

Salt well and let stand.

Sauté chopped onions in hot lard, stir in peppers and quickly deglaze with vinegar.

Add well squeezed pumpkin flesh, add stock (or water) and season with salt, pepper, bay leaf, sugar as well as caraway seeds.

Simmer for about 5 minutes.

Mix sour cream with some hot stock and flour and thicken the pumpkin vegetables with it.

Season again to taste. Remove the bay leaf.

Place the minced patties with paprika pumpkin and mashed potatoes on hot plates and finish with roasted onions and baked parsley.

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