Mini Baguettes with Olives and Cheese

Rating: 4.14 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


For dusting:


Makes about 10 pieces.

Put the flour in a suitable bowl. Crumble the yeast and grate it between your fingertips with a little flour until crumbly. Add water and salt. Mix everything together  best done with a dough card or rubber spatula  until the ingredients are combined into a dough. Later remove from the baking bowl and knead the dough on very little flour until it comes away clean, shiny and firm but still elastic, this takes six to eight minutes. Form into a ball of dough on a little more flour, place in the lightly floured baking bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave to rise for an hour until doubled in volume.

In the meantime, cut the olives in rough pieces from the stone or  if they are already pitted  divide them into strips. With the cheese as well as the thyme in a small baking dish form and mix.

Dust the surface with cornmeal, this will give the breadsticks a nice color during baking. Press the dough on top with your hands to form a rectangle about two inches thick. Sprinkle with the olive mixture and press it lightly into the dough with your fingers. Fold one third of the dough toward the center, press it well to smooth it out, then fold the opposite side over it and press it smooth as well. Cut the dough diagonally into strips a good 1 cm wide. On more cornmeal, twist the strips in on themselves, then roll back and forth precisely so that they are

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