Mousse Aux Fraises

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 10.0 (servings)

For The Polenta:


Chef : Nexty Stocker, Mr-Freudenberg.

Preparation ~ Rinse strawberries, prepare (ready to cook, e.g. hull, remove woody parts and dirt) and cut ~ Marinate with juice of one lemon, cherry and sugar in about 1 hour ~ Soak gelatin in cold water ~ Whip cream.

Preparation ~ Whisk marinated strawberries and spread through a sieve ~ Allow gelatin to melt in a water bath and mix into the strawberry puree ~ Fold whipped cream into the cold mixture ~ Whip egg whites with salt to egg whites and stir in thoroughly ~ Pour into a suitable bowl and set aside to cool ~ Cut quenelles with 2 spoons and arrange on plates

Note ~ The strawberry mousse can be served with rhubarb compote or whipped cream.

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