Mussels – Basic Recipe

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Blue mussel (also: pile mussel)

Mussels belong to the mollusks with two same, elongated shells, which are connected at one point by an elastic closure band. Their color is blue-black or blue-violet. They are found in all seas around Europe and America, mostly on rocks, sandbars or piles. Almost all of them in the trade today come from cultures located on the west coast of France and on the coasts of Holland, Belgium and Schleswig-Holstein. Harvesting begins in the fall and ends in March, with a closed season in the summer. They are traded alive or canned. When purchasing, make sure that the shells are closed. Opened shells, which do not close even when lightly pressed with a finger, are spoiled, as well as those which do not open during cooking. Prepare them for cooking by brushing them under running water and accurately removing the whiskers. Boil water with wine, chopped onion and herbs as desired, add mussels and cook for about 5 minutes with the lid closed, shaking the pot a few times. Eat the mussels with an empty shell, using it like tongs to get the meat out of the other shells. With a spoon you enjoy the broth or sauce, dipping it the same way with white bread (be careful, the last bit is usually still sandy).

Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs

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