Natas – Portuguese Cream Cakes

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 15.0 (servings)




Defrost the puff pastry sheets spread out. Prepare small buttered soufflé dishes: First cut strips for the rim (height to just below the edge of the mold), the side edges of the molds are lined with a ring of dough press well smooth. From the other plates cut out circles in the size of the bottom. Place the pastry sheets in the ramekins and then prick them with a fork. Refrigerate the patties.

Bring the whipping cream to the boil with the sugar and lemon zest, whisk in the flour mixed with a little whipping cream and simmer a little. Turn off the heat and add the egg yolks. Cool.

Fill the cream into the ramekins and bake the tartlets in the heated oven at 200 °C for 20 min.

Cool and dust thickly with powdered sugar.

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