Nettle Mud Fritters

Rating: 3.94 / 5.00 (34 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the filling:


For the nettle mud fritters, boil the potatoes, peel while still hot and press through a potato ricer. Allow to steam briefly. Quickly mix with flour, butter, yolks and a pinch of salt to form a dough. Roll out the potato dough on a floured work surface to a thickness of about 4 mm. Using a round cookie cutter, cut out discs about 6 cm in diameter. Brush these thinly with beaten egg.

Spread the prepared nettle filling in the center using a pastry bag or a small spoon. Fold the pastries and press the edges firmly. Put plenty of salted water in a pot. Cook the doughnuts in it for about 10 minutes until tender. Remove the nettle doughnuts, drain and arrange on warmed plates. Pour liquid butter over them and sprinkle Parmesan on top.

For the filling, sauté the finely chopped shallots in hot butter and pour over the strained curd. Mix in the chopped nettle tips, the strained potatoes and the sour cream and season with salt.

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