Nettle Spinach Dumpling Soup with Dandelion Salad

Rating: 3.71 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the dandelion salad:


For the nettle spinach dumpling soup with dandelion salad boil garlic and bay leaves in 1 l of water for half an hour. Rinse nettle and boil in it for about 15 minutes, then quench in iced water.

Peel and finely dice onion, sauté in butter until translucent. Pour in milk and boil repeatedly. Pour over dumpling bread, fold in eggs. Season with salt and nutmeg (freshly grated).

Fold nettle and cheese into dumpling bread, mix well. Shape the mixture into loaves and fry them in olive oil until golden brown on both sides.

Pluck the lovage and cut into strips, bring to the boil with the soup and let the nettle spinach dumplings steep in it for 15 minutes.

For the dandelion salad, rinse the dandelion with lukewarm water (this way the bitter substances are lost). Mix sour cream and vinegar with olive oil, season with salt and sugar. Marinate the lettuce with it, sprinkle with fried bacon (in strips or cubes).

Arrange the nettle spinach dumpling soup in deep plates and serve the nettle spinach dumpling soup with dandelion salad separately.

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