Nut Chocolate Cake

Rating: 3.74 / 5.00 (251 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 8.0 (servings)

For the nut mixture:

For the cream:



Coat a cake pan with Kronenöl Spezial with a fine butter flavor and dust with flour. Preheat oven to 160 °C (top and bottom heat).

Separate eggs. Sift flour and mix with grated hazelnuts. Beat egg yolks, powdered sugar, salt, vanilla sugar and grated lemon peel until foamy (at least 10 minutes).

Slowly add cold coffee and Kronenöl Spezial with a fine butter flavor, beating constantly for 1 minute more. Add flour mixture.

Beat egg whites well, add granulated sugar, beat until creamy and gently fold into the mixture.

Pour everything into the cake tin and bake for approx. 45 minutes on the middle shelf. Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool. Cut the cake twice horizontally.

For the cream, whip whipped cream and chill. Soak gelatine in cold water. Slowly dissolve finely chopped couverture in a water bath.

Slowly beat egg over a water bath until warm and add dissolved couverture.

Heat the amaretto, dissolve the well squeezed gelatine in it and stir into the mixture.

Fold in whipped cream and fill the cake with the finished cream and garnish.

Chill the cake for 5 hours. Garnish with a finished brittle on the side.

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