Onion Tart Bavarian House

Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Knead the ingredients for the dough well together (not too much, otherwise the dough will be brandy), then rest in the refrigerator for half an hour beaten in foil. Grease a cake springform pan with butter, roll out the dough evenly and line the pan with it up to the rim. Spread with parchment paper, put in baking peas, blind bake at 180 degrees in the oven and cool. For the filling (royal) mix the cream, whipped cream, milk fraiche, mix the eggs in it, season with sea salt, peperoncino, paprika and long pepper.

Mix onions, leeks and pancetta and spread evenly in the mold, then pour the royal. Then bake at 140 degrees in a heated oven for about 35 min. Sprinkle with fontina and gratinate under the broiler. Then cool, cut into cake pieces and bring to the table.

Our tip: A Federweisser from the Castell winery in Franconia Weingut Fürstlich Castell’sches Domänenamt

Have fun baking!

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