Pasta Casserole with Chicken and Colorful Vegetables

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



A great pasta dish for any occasion:

Place the poularde in a suitable cooking pot. Add the peeled carrots, uncut. Cut away a nice piece of each of the celery and leeks and set aside. Fill the rest coarsely chopped into the cooking pot with the chicken, add bay leaf, thyme and the plucked parsley stalks. Cover with water, season with salt. Blanch (scald) the tomatoes with boiling hot water, peel. Fill the skin into the soup pot. Gently cook the poularde for about an hour. Take it out, remove the meat from the bones, remove the skin and tendons and put it back into the pot together with the bones. Cook for another hour so that the clear soup is nice and hearty. And without a lid, so that it is reduced by a good half. However, remove the carrots already along with the meat and cut into one-inch cubes. Divide the meat into bite-sized pieces. Put both aside moistened with a little bit of clear soup with the lid closed. Meanwhile, separate broccoli roses from their stems. Cut stems diagonally into slices. Blanch stems, later roses in salted water. On top, rinse with ice cold water to keep the beautiful color. Also cut the leek and celery diagonally into slices. Blanch briefly. Do not cook the pasta completely, quench in plenty of water so that they do not stick together.

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