Pheasant Breast with Grapes and Pepper Cabbage

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For The Pepper Sauce:

For The White Pepper Herb:

For The Pheasant Breast:

At will:


Peppercorns For the pepper sauce, crush the peppercorns in a mortar and steep in 4 tbsp of germ oil at low temperature for 10 min.

Sauté the pheasant bones and parries in the remaining oil in a saucepan without letting them color. Add pancetta, onion and celery and roast until translucent. Season lightly with salt. Drain the crushed pepper in a sieve, add to the saucepan and toss briefly.

Extinguish with cognac, pour in the poultry stock and simmer gently until reduced by half. Then top up with whipping cream and reduce repeatedly by half in 20 to half an hour. Strain through a fine dish or sieve and mix heartily in a hand mixer.

Stir juniper into the hot sauce and infuse next to the stove for a few minutes. Pour again through a sieve. Season with reduced Noily Prat, salt and perhaps a little cognac.

For the white pepper cabbage, sauté the diced onion in the oil until translucent (colorless), add the sauerkraut, bay spice and clove, and add water until the cabbage is shallowly covered. Cover and simmer until soft, 30 to 45 minutes, then pour into a colander, remove the spices and squeeze the cabbage well. It must be completely dry to absorb the sauce well later.

Pheasant Breast Tip:

If you don’t have a way to vacuum seal the pheasant breasts, place them end to end on a buttered platter, cover tightly with plastic wrap and cook for 12 to 14 min, K

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