Pogacsa Yeast Pastry with Crackling Filling

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 20.0 (servings)

Filling (Tepertoe):



Lard has a long tradition in Hungarian cuisine – whether for pogsscsen or for browning meat. In recent decades, however, Hungarian housewives are also increasingly turning to vegetable oil. They have not been able to displace lard. Because that gives to many courts their typically Hungarian Wohlgeschmack.

For the stuffing, cut the bacon into small pieces and let it cook in a large heavy saucepan for about 1 to 2 hours. The grams should be dark brown. Skim off the fat, cool.

Pass the grams through the finest disk of the meat grinder or chop very finely in the Moulinette. Sift the flour into a suitable bowl. Melt the yeast in a cup of lukewarm milk. Mix in the sugar.

Let stand for 5- 10 min in a warm place, protected from drafts, until the yeast mixture bubbles. Add to the flour form with the remaining salt, milk, butter and 3 eggs and knead heartily for 15 to 20 min. This is important for the quality of the pogsscsen. If using dry yeast, put all ingredients in a suitable bowl and knead as described. Leave the dough in a sheltered place for 45 min

to rise. Knead the dough briefly, then roll out into a rectangle about 3-5 mm thick. Spread one half thinly with the crackling mixture. Season very lightly with salt. Fold the other half over it.

Flatten the resulting rectangle a little bit, spread one half thinly with crackling lard.

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