Pork Tenderloin in Batter

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)





Dry fillet with kitchen roll, season, fry in hot oil all around for 3 to 4 min., remove and cool slightly. Spread with mustard and wrap with the bacon, ham or raw ham slices.

For the filling, mix all ingredients together well.

Roll out dough 2mm thick, rectangular (about 36cm x 38cm). Form a quarter of the filling in the middle of the dough and spread to fillet size. Place meat on top, spread remaining filling evenly around fillet and press lightly until smooth. Cut strips of dough about 2cm wide on both sides of the fillet and brush with egg white. Place the two strips on the ends around the fillet, then place the remaining strips alternately from left and right, overlapping the fillet. There should be no gaps in the process. Mix the egg yolk with a little water and brush the pastry with it.

Bake the fillet at 200 degrees for about 35 to 40 minutes. Afterwards let the fillet rest for another 10 minutes in the switched-off oven.

Cut the fillet and arrange on heated plates with the olives and a colorful vegetable palette. Instead of the vegetables, you can also serve a variety of leaf salads.

Our tip: Use bacon with a fine, smoky note!

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