Potato and Bean Loaf in Sesame and Flaxseed Coat

Rating: 3.36 / 5.00 (39 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the potato and bean loaves, boil the potatoes in their skins, rinse, peel and pass through the press. While the potatoes are cooking, place the kidney beans in a colander and rinse, reserving some of the juice.

Shake off briefly, blend in a blender with the broth to make a creamy mixture. Peel the garlic clove and pass it through the press. Peel the onion, cut into fine cubes and briefly scald with hot water, drain well.

The parsley, wash, if necessary sort, put aside a little for decoration, the rest finely chop. Put everything in a bowl, press the potatoes while they are still hot, season with salt and pepper from the mill and season to taste.

If the dough is not thick enough, mix in some potato flour. Put the sesame and flax seeds mix in a small bowl. In a non-stick frying pan, heat the canola oil.

Using a spoon, scoop off some of the potato mixture, coat in sesame flaxseed and add to the pan. Fry briefly on both sides at medium temperature.

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