Potato Salad

Rating: 2.89 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Make the potatoes “salad-ready” as cooked, peeled potatoes in enough salted water and cool. Prepare a clear soup from the Maggi vegetable soup and the water. Finely weigh the parsley, cut the chives into fine rolls and dice the onions very finely. Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the onions in it until golden, then dust with the flour and roast until the first onion pieces turn very dark. Pour the hot clear soup on the spot, let it boil briefly (about 1 min), remove from the stove and let it cool down. Peel the potatoes, cut them into halves or quarters according to their size, cut them into thin slices and put them into a not too small baking dish. Mix the chives, parsley, onion juice, vinegar and mustard into a marinade and pour it over the potatoes. The leaf salad tastes best when it is well done.

Our tip: Fresh chives are much more aromatic than dried ones!

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