Pumpkin Tortellini

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)

Pasta dough:



Tortellini dough: sift flour on the surface, press a bulge in the center, pour in eggs, salt and oil and knead everything together until smooth.

Tip: use a little less flour at first and knead the dough softly, then keep adding flour until the desired firmness is reached. Roll out the dough thinly with a pasta machine or pasta walker.

Pumpkin stuffing: soften pumpkin cubes with pepper and salt and a little bit of water and cook at high temperature. Mash the pumpkin flesh with a fork, stir in the remaining ingredients and season with pepper and salt.

Preparation: cut rolled out pasta dough into squares, put a little bit of filling form in the middle, fold into a triangle and smooth the edges. Place the triangle point down around the index finger, holding the ends together, fold the tip over the ends, pulling the tortellini from the finger as you do so. Cook in lightly salted water for a few minutes.

Serve: Sprinkle with roasted pumpkin seeds and a few drops of pumpkin seed oil on top Form.

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