Rabbit Terrine

Rating: 2.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)



(*) for a pie dish (quiche dish) about 25 cm long and 10 cm high Preparation Remove bones from rabbit meat. Cut shoulders, belly flaps and lower legs into 1 cm cubes. Boil these cubes in white wine and water seasoned with soy and salt. Remove after 10 minutes. Add the rest of the meat and asparagus, garlic, onion, mint stalks, rosemary, lotus leaf and celery pieces. Let everything boil, lift out the asparagus and cool in iced water, put aside.

Add the zucchini, cut into 2 to 3 lengthwise slices, to the meat broth form. After a total of half an hour of cooking, lift out meat, celery and zucchini slices. Cool in iced water.

Allow gelatin powder to melt directly in the stock. Put a drop of it on a cooled saucer to test the gelatin. If it remains liquid, correct with a tiny bit of additional gelatin.

Cool the stock until it gels but still flows slightly.

Preparation Pour some of the gelling stock into the pie dish (quiche dish) and set. Layer the meat and vegetables alternately in the mold.

Put a little bit of the spice mixture on each layer. Repeatedly top up with gravy. Tap geben occasionally to remove any air bubbles. When give is filled, add a final stock layer on top and set all together in the refrigerator.

For the garnish the paradei

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