Rabbit with Pine Nuts

Rating: 2.91 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



Cut the bacon into small cubes and fry in a roasting pan. Add the rabbit cut into pieces and fry until golden. Now add the sugar, raisins, vinegar and pine nuts and steam until the vinegar has evaporated. Mix the starch with a little water and add half a liter of white wine. Remove the rabbit parts from the roaster and stir the meat juices with the white wine. Add the rabbit parts one more time to the sauce form and stew for about half an hour.

Since rabbit has white meat, you should always use white pepper and also white vinegar. Of course also only white wine.

As a side dish, chard is very suitable. Since the sauce is very tasty with the rabbit, you should stew the chard only in a little bit of olive oil until soft. If you can’t get chard, you can also use spinach.

Add new potatoes and it’s a real feast.

Tip: Did you know that one bowl of spinach covers about 50 percent of your magnesium needs?

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