Rabbit with Puff Pastry Cover

Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



0, 75l (1 bottle) Riesling 200 grams puff pastry 1 egg yolk 1 stalk thyme 2-4 bay leaves Freshly ground pepper Salt

– Peter Hilt-Klein The rabbit pieces are coated thickly with the mustard. Rub the inside of an ovenproof tureen with garlic and grease with butter. Place the pieces of rabbit close to each other. Salt and pepper. Put the thyme and bay leaf together with the garlic cloves on top and fill up with the Riesling. Roll out the puff pastry and place it as a pastry lid on the terrine, pressing it well at the edges. Make a small opening in the center of the pastry lid and brush everything together with egg yolk. Place in the oven at 160 °C – 180 °C for about 2 hours.

If the lid browns too quickly, you can still cover everything together with aluminum foil.

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