Risotto Florentine Style – with Spinach

Rating: 2.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A great spinach recipe for every taste:

Finely dice onions, sauté in hot oil until translucent. Add long-grain rice, steam briefly and pour in vegetable soup. Cook long grain rice for about 20 minutes. Rinse spinach, clean, put in a sieve and pour boiling hot water over it.

Coarsely chop the cooled spinach. Melt butter and cook spinach in it for 10 minutes.

Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg (freshly grated). Add long grain rice and grated cheese to spinach form, mix everything together. Form spinach-long grain rice in a greased gratin dish. Break the raw eggs over the top. Bake in oven until eggs are set.

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