Root Vegetable Gratin

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)




(*) for a wide ovenproof mold of about.1 1/2 liters, greased, should offer for 4 people.

Cut parsnips and carrots into stalks about 8 cm long, beet and celery into slices, season, pour into the prepared mold.

Warm butter in a frying pan. Saute flour over medium heat until soft, stirring with a whisk; flour should not turn color. Pull frying pan off the heat.

Pour in soup and milk all at once, bring to a boil while stirring, reduce heat, simmer on low heat for about Five minutes, stirring occasionally, until sauce is creamy.

Mix in cheese, season, pour over vegetables.

Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top, cover with aluminum foil.

Bake/gratinate: bake for one and a half hourb in the lower half of the oven heated to 180 °C. Increase temperature to 220 °C, remove foil, gratinate for about fifteen minutes.

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