Rye Roll

Rating: 4.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



First, whisk only the flour and the pure lecithin dry. Make sure that all the lecithin balls are finely crumbled, because the pure lecithin powder, if stored for a long time, can attract water and clump. Now add the remaining dry ingredients except for the dry yeast and mix. Let the dry yeast dissolve in water and add it as well. Knead the dough for 2-3 minutes, preferably with a food processor or possibly an electric hand mixer. The dough must be easy to knead. If necessary, add 20-30 g of water. Form the dough into a ball and rest in a covered baking bowl at 20-25 °C for 20 min.

Now divide the dough into 10 parts. On a clean, unfloured work surface, roll the rolls. With the hollow of your hand over the piece of dough, make even circular movements so that the Semmerl forms by itself. The heel of the hand and the fingertips touch the surface. The finished rolled Semmerl is circular and spherical and has a smooth surface that must not look wrinkled. On the bottom side is the end of the ball. If the Semmerl has been rolled skillfully, this shot is barely visible. If you have practiced this once or twice, you will see that it is child’s play. A properly rolled Semmerl rises better during baking because the dough has the necessary tension. So it’s not just a question of looking appetizing.

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