Salmon Terrine with Crabs

Rating: 3.89 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Clean plaice fillets, sprinkle with juice of one lemon, season with salt and pepper. Place fillets diagonally in a porcelain or possibly glass loaf pan, folding ends over the edge to the outside. Remove skin and bones from salmon, mash with egg white, gradually adding whipped cream and juice of one lemon. Season with salt and pepper.

Fold in shrimps and season the fish farce. Divide quantity in half, stir dill into one half. Place the two fish masses alternately on the plaice fillets in the mold and finally fold over the fillet ends. Cover mold and cook terrine for 6 to 8 min. at 600 watts and 8 to 10 min. at 360 watts. Rest for 5 minutes, then pour off fish stock.

Turn terrine out onto a platter and garnish with dill sprigs.

Garnish: Sauce hollandaise, long grain rice, toast or leaf salad.

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