Semmelstoppel Mushroom Pancakes with Chive Butter

Rating: 3.31 / 5.00 (16 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 12.0 (servings)



For The Chive Butter:


A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion!

first make the chive butter. Stir chive rolls and juice of one lemon into the butter. Spread on parchment paper (25x25cm) and form a roll.

Wrap and set in refrigerator for 1 hour.

For the filling, melt butter in large frying pan, add chopped mushrooms and sauté at moderate temperature until mushrooms soften and liquid that escapes has evaporated. Cool. Steam the chopped mushrooms in a little butter until soft and set aside.

For the pancake batter, sift flour with baking powder, salt and pepper in a suitable bowl. Mix the eggs with the milk and stir through with the flour. Add the chopped mushrooms.

Heat the remaining butter in the frying pan, pour in five mushroom slices each and spoon the batter on top so that circles of 5 cm ø are formed. As soon as air bubbles form on the surface, turn the pancakes to the other side and toast for another 10-15 seconds. Serve hot with the chive butter cut into slices.

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