Shortcrust Rhubarb Pie

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Total time: 45 min



Try this delicious cake recipe:

Sift the flour onto a baking board. Spread the light butter or butter in flakes evenly on the flour, sprinkle the sugar and form the egg yolks in the center. Using cold hands, quickly knead the ingredients from the inside out to form a smooth shortcrust pastry. Rest the dough in parchment paper or aluminum foil in the refrigerator. Rinse and pat the rhubarb dry and peel off the outer skin from top to bottom.

Cut the rhubarb stalks about finger-length pieces. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Roll out the dough on a floured work surface to baking sheet size. Loosely roll up the dough sheet, place it on the baking sheet and roll it apart repeatedly. Prick several times with a fork.

Place the rhubarb pieces end to end on the pastry sheet. Bake the cake on the middle rack for 30 minutes. Whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form, gradually folding in the sugar. Place the meringue mixture in a piping bag fitted with a nozzle.

Remove the cake from the oven after half an hour of baking. Cool down a bit. Use the meringue mixture to pipe an even diagonal lattice onto the cake. Bake the meringue lattice for 10 min until lightly browned.

Cool the cake a little bit, cut it into pieces on the spot, remove it from the tray and cool it on a cooling rack.

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