Simple Bonet From Piedmont

Rating: 3.38 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



Bonet is closely related to pudding in terms of the way it is prepared and the ingredients it contains, but this is an inadequate description. Bonet is the Piedmontese dessert par excellence and is served in any self-respecting restaurant.

The eggs are beaten in a baking bowl until creamy, then 2/3 of the sugar, the cocoa, the crumbled amaretto macaroons, the rum and the milk are added, all mixed together very precisely to an even quantity.

Then cook the caramel. To do this, heat the remaining sugar in a small saucepan until it turns light brown. Then extinguish with a little water (be careful!) and stir the quantity heartily at high temperature until it is almost glassy and dark brown. Pour the hot caramel into the preheated pudding mold now so that the bottom and walls are evenly coated. In the process, the caramel will gradually solidify. Then pour the pudding mixture into the mold, close the mold tightly and cook in the stove in a bain-marie at 180 °C for about 30 minutes.

Cool the Bonet a little, turn it out of the mold and bring it to the table.

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