Simple Chard Dumplings

Rating: 4.13 / 5.00 (1197 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the simple chard dumplings, dice stale toast, pour milk over it and let it steep.

Meanwhile, wash the chard, remove the stalk and cut into small pieces. Put a pot of hot water on to boil, add a pinch of baking soda (so the green of the chard is preserved nicely) and bring to a boil. Now blanch the chard in the hot water for 3-4 minutes and drain.

Dice 3 spring onions and sauté in a little oil until translucent. Now add the blanched chard, onions, flour and eggs to the bread dice mixture. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and mix to form a dumpling mass. Form equal-sized chard dumplings from the mixture.

Steam the Simple Chard Dumplings in a steamer insert over hot water for 10 minutes and serve with grated cheese and melted butter.

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