Spicy Clay Pot for Vegetarian Gourmets

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Seasoning paste:


Soak the clay pot lid and the bottom part in cold water for 10 and half an hour respectively (A).

Remove the seeds from the pumpkin, peel and cut into rough cubes. Sprinkle with a little salt

Sprinkle with a little salt and marinate the bottom part for 10 or half an hour (B).

Cut the chilies into rings. Drain the chickpeas in a sieve. For the seasoning paste, chop the spring onions and garlic very finely. Remove peel from ginger bulb and grate finely. Heat oil slightly. Briefly sauté scallion, garlic and ginger, stirring until soft. Add remaining ingredients, mix and remove from heat. 3.

Dry the pumpkin pieces. Turn to the other side in the seasoning paste. Add to well-drained clay pot form with chickpeas. Sprinkle with chili and pour in vegetable broth. Cover and place in the bottom of a cold oven. Set heat to 225 °C and steam for 40 to 50 min.

Peel the bananas and cut them into two centimeter thick wheels. Add to the vegetables with

Add to the vegetables in the saucepan with the tomatoes and cook for another five to ten minutes.

Cook until tender. Sprinkle with plucked coriander leaves and serve on the spot.

Serve with sour cream and ginger rice with almond kernels.

Kitchen practice

Ginger rice: put perfumed rice with a piece of ginger in a frying pan. Cover with a finger’s width of water. Bring to a boil, do one to two min, Swell on lowest setting with lid closed for 20 to 25 min. Bring to table mixed with toasted almond slivers. D

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