Steam Noodles

Rating: 2.82 / 5.00 (22 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)



Mix the flour, sugar and yeast together, then add the water and then the salt. Knead everything thoroughly by hand or more conveniently with a food processor until a smooth dough is formed. Finally, cover the dough bowl with a wet towel and let the dough rise in a warm place for about half an hour (e.g. on the heater or in the oven at about 40 °C ). Then knead the dough again and then roll it into a sausage. Divide this sausage into 7 to 8 pieces and roll out each piece to a thickness of half a centimeter. Place the desired filling (about 1 heaped teaspoon) in the center. Then pull up the edge so that about 8 corners meet at the top, and twist the tips together. The steam noodle blank is ready.

The finished blanks must be left to rise again for half an hour. After that they can be put into the steamer and cooked in steam. The steaming time is about 20 to 25 minutes, and the water should bubble gently. From time to time, you should also check the water level in the steamer and, if necessary, add hot water in time!

To prevent the noodles from sticking to the steamer grate, the Chinese use banana or lotus leaves as a base. In our country these leaves are quite rare, therefore we recommend to brush the grids lightly with a little oil before steaming.

If you think that the steamed noodles are too soft and too limp, you can also use

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