Steamed Catfish Fillet with French Sauerkraut Roulade

Rating: 3.83 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Decoction For Steaming:

Choucroute (sauerkraut):


Riesling sauce:


A delicious recipe for all strawberry lovers!

For the sauerkraut roulade: Carefully rinse the sauerkraut and subsequently squeeze well. Sauté onion in oil, add sauerkraut and spice bag and deglaze with white wine and water. Season and soften for about 1 hour with the lid closed. Spread cabbage leaves and fill with sauerkraut, form into a roulade. Season with salt and pepper, place in a baking dish, brush with butter and cook for about 15 minutes in the oven at 180 °C until soft.

For the catfish: portion catfish fillets, season with salt and coriander. Bring the ingredients for the stock to the boil in the steamer. Add catfish fillet and steam until soft, about 5 minutes. (You can easily check the cooking time with a pin!) For the sauce: sweat shallots and garlic in olive oil and extinguish with the Riesling. Reduce to simmer, add fish stock and reduce again, then add cream and reduce again. Add crème fraîche, whisk and pass through a fine sieve. Bind (assemble) with ice-cold pieces of butter and season.

Arrange the catfish fillets on the sauce and serve with the sauerkraut rolls.

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