Steirer Cookies

Rating: 3.96 / 5.00 (113 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 35.0 (servings)

For the dough:

For the filling:

For the cocoa glaze:


Prepare the dough for the Steirer cookies. Make a shortcrust pastry from the ingredients and let it rest for 30 minutes. Then roll out the dough very thinly on a work surface dusted with flour and a rolling pin. Using a round cookie cutter (4 cm Ø), cut out cookies without a hole and the same number with a hole. Bake in the oven at 170°C until light brown and let cool. For the cocoa glaze, whisk the egg whites and sifted confectioners’ sugar until foamy white. The mixture should have a viscous consistency. Stir in the sifted cocoa and rum until smooth.

Glaze the perforated cookies with cocoa glaze and let dry. Spread the unglazed cookie without the hole thickly with jam, place the glazed counterpart on top and let dry on buttered paper.

Serve the Steirer cookies.

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