Stew in Portuguese – Cozido a Portuguesa

Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



A note in advance:

A cozido can vary greatly depending on what vegetables and what meats are available. This, in turn, depends on the season. The cozido is exceptionally suitable as a Sunday dinner, but it is not advisable to offer it in the evening.

The day before, burn off the excess hair from the pig’s ear and soak it in cold water. Clean the white beans and soak them as well.

The following day, in a large saucepan, cook the pig’s ear, the beef and the bacon in plenty of water. When the meat is almost cooked, add the sausages pierced with toothpicks. When everything is cooked, remove the meat and sausages from the pot and put them aside. Baste with a tiny bit of beef broth to keep it from drying out. Keep warm.

Make the white beans in water so that they do not become too soft. Drain the bean water and baste with a little beef broth. Keep warm.

Pour 1/2 cup of beef broth per person over the long grain rice and cook on low heat until tender.

Remove the skin from the vegetables and clean them. Cut the white cabbage into quarters. Add everything to the beef broth, at the beginning the carrots and turnips, later the kale as well as the white cabbage, finally the potatoes. Add salt.

Carefully remove the cooked vegetables from the clear soup and arrange them on a heated plate. Cover a soup bowl with bread cut into slices and sprinkle with arrows.

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