Strawberry Yogurt Cake without Gelatin

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Total time: 1 hour



Preheat the oven to 160 °C for the sponge dough. Butter and flour the springform pan (24 cm). Separate the eggs. Beat yolks with powdered sugar until creamy, whip egg whites with granulated sugar.

Fold the egg whites and flour alternately into the yolk mixture. Spread the dough in the pan and bake for approx. 35 minutes in the oven on the middle shelf.

Remove the sponge mixture from the oven and allow to cool. Only when it is cold, cut in the middle.

For the filling, mix curd cheese, yogurt, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon until smooth. Whip the cream until stiff. Fold into the curd-yogurt mixture together with cream stiffener.

Clean the strawberries. Set aside some for decoration, halve/quarter/slice the rest as desired. Spread half of the filling on the lower sponge cake, spread strawberries on top and press down. Place the lid on top. Spread the rest of the filling on the cake, and decorate the cake with strawberries and almond flakes.

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