
Rating: 3.84 / 5.00 (19 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



Let yeast cubes dissolve in water and stand for 15 min. In the meantime, soften butter. Sift flour into a suitable bowl. Make an indentation in the center. Pour the dissolved yeast into it. Stir with a little flour to form a thin paste. Leave to stand for 15 min. Add salt.

Add the softened butter to the flour with a spoon. Gradually add the milk. Work into a dough with the wooden spoon or the wooden spoon, later with your hands. (For the sweet version, add 80 g sugar and 50 g raisins.) Knead well on a dry surface with your hands.

Shape into a ball. Cover with a wet dishcloth and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Knead the dough again. Weigh out three pieces of dough weighing about 300 g each. Roll out each piece into a roll about 40 cm long. Place the three strands together, fold over a little at the top and braid like a hair braid, folding over repeatedly at the bottom.

Place on a greased or parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Turn on conventional oven to 220 degrees, fan oven to 200 degrees, gas stove to level 4-5. Let the braid rise repeatedly for 1/2 hour. Later brush with 1 egg yolk. Baking time 70 min. After 60 min turn to the other side, so that the bottom is also nicely browned. Cool on a rack. Can be frozen for 4 weeks.

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