Stuffed Bunny

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (26 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the filling:

For the hare:

For the plate decoration:


For the stuffed bunny, mix eggs, cream and melon and season with salt, pepper and mustard. Form 4 larger and 4 smaller balls from the fresh dough, bake according to package instructions and let cool.

Cut “lids” off the larger balls and hollow them out. Cut out 2 ears from each of the lids. Cut two small slits in the smaller balls with a knife and insert the ears.

Also using a knife, scrape out two small indentations for the eyes, fill with mayonnaise and place either allspice or peppercorns on top.

Skewer the bunny heads on wooden sticks. Fill the larger balls, place the bunny heads on top and secure with smaller wooden sticks if necessary. Decoratively arrange lettuce, radishes, tomatoes, peppers and cress on smaller plates and place the bunnies on top.

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