Stuffed Melanzane

Rating: 3.29 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



(Imam Bayyldy) Many associate Turkish cuisine with kebabs, kebabs and köfte, but it is extraordinarily rich, especially in vegetable dishes. One that is popular throughout the country is called “Imam Bayyldy”, which means “the Imam fainted”. Whether the imam fainted out of disgust when he tried the stuffed melanzane for the first time or because he simply ate too much of it, there is no consensus. What is certain is that there are numerous variations of the dish.

Today we recommend a way of preparation that is common in the Turkish Aegean, where vegetables and fruits grow in abundance.

_Aubergines_ Melanzane are very popular in Turkish cuisine, there are over 200 dishes with them. They are also dried and made into jam. Traditionally, there is even a toothpaste made from dried eggplant peels.

Melanzane are sensitive to the ripening gas ethylene. They should therefore not be stored together with fruit, but if possible also not in the refrigerator, because they are sensitive to cold. If stored well, they can be kept for about 1 week.

For preparation, they should not be too firm, they should be dark and shiny, and they should give a little when pressed – but not too much, because if they have dents and look like “hammered”, they are already too old. Next, the meat will be spongy, dark and taste bland.

_Preparation_ Remove the skin from each melanzani like this.

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