Styrian Pasta Salad

Rating: 4.86 / 5.00 (2309 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the kernel oil dressing:


Soak beans overnight.

The next day, drain the soaking water and cook in fresh, unsalted water for about 50 minutes until soft.

Meanwhile, boil water in another pot, add salt and cook the pasta in it until al dente.

In the meantime, peel and finely chop the onions. Dice the cherry tomatoes and the ham. Wash the bell bell pepper and apple, remove the seeds and also finely dice. Pluck the parsley leaves from the stems and chop finely.

For the dressing, mix the seed oil, apple cider vinegar and mustard well and stir in the parsley. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add a little water if necessary.

Strain the cooked beans and rinse with cold water. Do the same with the pasta.

In a larger bowl, mix the pasta with the beans, ham, peppers, apple and sliced onions, and the seed oil dressing.

Let the pasta salad stand for a short time, then serve.

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