Swedish Almond Cake – Ikea

Rating: 3.22 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)



A simple but delicious cake recipe:

For 12 pieces, preheat the oven to 175 °C. Toast 100 g almond flakes on the baking tray in the oven until golden brown. Separate 4 eggs (class L). Beat the egg yolks with 80 g sugar and 100 ml whipping cream in a saucepan with the whisks of the mixer at low temperature until just below boiling point until thick and creamy, but do not make. Remove from heat and whip in an ice water bath until cooled. Gradually fold in 225 g softened butter in small pieces with a chopping stick. Set the cream aside to cool. Spread 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Whip the egg whites, gradually sift in 120 g sugar and whip to stiff peaks. gradually fold in 200 g ground almonds until fluffy. Using a palette, spread half of the mixture into a round, evenly thick 22 cm diameter cake layer. Place one baking sheet on the 2nd rack from the top, the 2nd baking sheet on the 1st rack from the bottom. Change the baking sheets after 10 minutes and bake the bases for another 10 minutes. Remove the parchment paper from the trays. Sprinkle 20 g sugar on each baking sheet, turn the bottoms out onto it and remove the paper.

Cool and spread one cake layer with half of the cream.

Place the second cake layer on top and brush the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream. Spread the almond flakes evenly over the cream and refrigerate for 6 hours. Dust with 20 g of powdered sugar before serving.

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