Tenderloin À La Mama

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (Portionen)


P R O P O R T I O N C A.:


Rinse sage. Rinse and dry the fillet. Season with a small amount of salt and pepper. Cover fillet with sage leaves and wrap with bacon. Crush juniper berries. Place fillet in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with juniper. Heat 150 g of butter and pour over the fillet.

Roast in the heated oven (electric kitchen stove: 175 °C /fan: 150 °C gas: level 2) for 45-50 min. After roasting for about 15 min, pour half of the clear soup. Pour the rest of the clear soup little by little. Mix in whipped cream about 15 min before end of roasting time.

In the meantime, remove peel from potatoes, rinse and dice. Cook in salted water for about

20 min. Drain and mash potatoes. Heat milk and 2 tbsp butter. Pour to the potatoes and fold in heartily.

Season with salt and a pinch of nutmeg.

Remove the meat. Pour the sauce through a fine sieve into a small saucepan. If necessary, boil a little and thicken with sauce thickener. Season sauce with mustard, pepper, salt and juice of one lemon.

Serve everything. Serve with Vogerlsalat.

Super for many guests You can cook the tenderloin for many people in a large oven pan. Calculate 175-225 g of tenderloin per person.

Increase the remaining ingredients accordingly. Pour the clear soup only gradually, so that the sauce is not too thin.

Our tip: Use a deliciously spicy bacon for a delicious touch!

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