Three Small Pizzas

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 24.0 (servings)


For the 1st layer:

For the 2nd layer:

For the 3rd layer:


Sift the flour into a large enough bowl and add salt. In a second baking bowl pour lukewarm water and stir the yeast in it until smooth. Add the flour and oil and quickly mix everything together to form a smooth, soft dough. Let it rest for 20 minutes with the lid closed (it is best to do everything together the day before, then you will have the ideal pizza dough).

Preheat the electric stove to min. 225 °C and grease the baking tray (or even better dust it with corn flour).

For the 1st topping, rinse and halve the tomatoes, dice the mozzarella cheese and halve the anchovy fillets lengthwise. Form a roll from one third of the dough, cut it into pieces (one third of the total number of pizzas) on the spot. Form small pizzas of about seven centimeters in diameter and place them on the baking tray, cover with the prepared ingredients, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Place a basil leaf on each and set aside with the lid closed.

For the 2nd topping, peel onions and garlic and cut into very thin slices. Heat olive oil in frying pan. Saute onion rings and garlic over medium heat for five min until soft, season heavily with salt and freshly ground pepper, and cool. Shape one third of dough into small pizzas as above, place on baking sheet, top with onion mixture, sprinkle with cheese and oregano.

For the 3rd topping, place the tomatoes in a sieve.

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