Tomato and Bell Pepper Mousse

Rating: 4.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the tomato bell pepper mousse, thinly peel the red peppers with a peeler, cut them in half and remove the seeds.

Cut the pulp into small pieces and place in a saucepan. You can also grate the pulp with a coarse grater.

Scald the tomatoes and skin them. Then scrape out the seeds. Cut the flesh into small pieces and add to the pot.

Peel the garlic and add to the vegetables with tomato paste and a big pinch of sugar. Simmer everything on low heat for an hour.

The tomatoes draw enough water, so do not add liquid. Stir occasionally so that nothing burns.

Soak the gelatine in cold water, squeeze out and dissolve in the hot vegetables. Then puree everything and pass through a hair sieve.

Put the puree into a bowl and let it cool down. Then whip the cream until stiff and carefully fold about 2/3 of it into the puree.

Season the tomato bell pepper mousse with salt, a little lemon juice and Tabasco and pour into small glasses, canning jars or other ramekins.

Place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Before serving, spread the remaining whipped cream on top. Pluck the leaves from the mint and finely chop them with a mixture of equal parts sugar and salt.

Sprinkle this mixture over the whipped cream and serve the tomato and bell pepper mousse.

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