Tomato Yogurt Sauce with Parsley Sauce

Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)

For the tomato paste:

For the herb mixture:


For The Parsley Sauce:

For garnish:


Rinse a triangular pie dish (800 ml) with cold water and line with cling film. Add salt, pepper and crushed garlic to the strained tomatoes. Soak gelatin in cold water, remove tomatoes from the stove. Squeeze gelatin well and stir into tomatoes, cool.

Pour the tomato sauce into the prepared mold and refrigerate for about 4 hours. For the herb mixture, soak gelatin in cold water. Mix gervais with yogurt until smooth, season with salt and pepper. Heat a little of the yogurt-cheese mixture over steam, let well squeezed gelatin melt in it. Quickly add the rest of the mixture, add the juice of one lemon and chopped parsley. Spread the herb mixture evenly over the cooked tomato mixture. Cut bread slices to the size of the mold and place on top of the herb mixture. Cover with foil and place in refrigerator to firm up for 4 hours.

For the parsley sauce, stir sour cream and yogurt with salt, pepper and 1 tsp juice of a lemon. Add parsley leaves and finely blend the sauce with a hand blender.

Turn out the sulz from the mold, cut into slices and stir through with salad and the parsley sauce.

from : : Martha Seif, 3541 Senftenberg

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for an especially good aroma!

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