Veal Kidney Au Cognac

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



(*) Kidneys are surrounded by a thick layer of fat, which can be completely or partially removed by the butcher if desired.

Cut kidneys into 5 mm thick slices. Heat clarified butter in the pan, fry kidney slices well on both sides, remove. Season kidneys with paprika and salt and keep warm.

Briefly steam onion, mushrooms and peppers in the pan, pour juice of one lemon over them, do. Extinguish with cognac and season with curry. Add gravy and make quietly while stirring for 2 min. Refine with cream and make light. Season to taste.

Put Nierli in the hot sauce and bring to the table on the spot.

By the way: Did you know that clarified butter is obtained by extracting water, milk protein and lactose from butter?

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