Veal Kidney Roe with Mustard Pickles and Sparrows

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




25 min, easy For the sparrows:

Whisk the eggs hearty with salt, stand a few min and then whisk with the flour until the dough bubbles. Then cook the dough with a spaetzle slicer or possibly board in boiling salted water. As soon as the spätzle rise to the top, rinse in cold water and drain through a sieve. Just before serving, toss in butter, season with salt and nutmeg (freshly grated).

Carve kidneys into roses, cutting away all fat. Dice shallots, cut mustard cucumbers into sticks. Cut tarragon and parsley into tender strips.

Season veal kidneys with salt and pepper, dust with flour and sear in olive oil. Remove the kidneys from the frying pan. In the same frying pan, sauté shallots in butter until light brown. Add garlic, extinguish with white wine, fill with beef broth and cook for about 2 min until hearty.

Add the leaked juice of the kidneys, add mustard, and crème fraîche, bubble, add the mustard pickles, bubble again and put in the kidneys. Heat gently, add the culinary herbs and bring to the table with the sparrows tossed in butter.

Drink: Goldbräu

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