Veal Kidneys with Rosemary

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Have you tried this delicious recipe with red wine?

Rinse the celery bulb well, remove the peel and cut into 2 cm cubes. Remove the peel from the shallots and cut them into small pieces. Sauté a shallot in a saucepan with butter, add celery, swirl briefly and pour in milk and whipping cream. Soften celery, put everything together in a hand mixer form, season with salt, pepper, a hint of nutmeg and sugar and grind finely. If you like, you can pass the puree through a sieve.

Clean or peel the carrot, parsley root and leek and cut into fine cubes. Chop rosemary needles as finely as possible.

Rinse the kidneys under running water, rub dry, cut horizontally and remove the fat strand running down the middle with a fine kitchen knife. Cut kidneys into thin slices, season with pepper and fry in a frying pan with 2 tbsp. olive oil for 2 minutes on each side. Then transfer to a plate.

In the frying pan with 1 tbsp olive oil, sauté remaining shallots, add carrot, parsley root and leek and sauté. Add rosemary, dust with flour and extinguish with wine and balsamic vinegar. Boil the liquid by half. Add the cold butter and season. Add the kidney slices and heat again briefly in the sauce.

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