Vegetable and Cheese Tart with Tomato Chutney

Rating: 1.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Flour on surface form, press a bulge. Knead soft butter with milk, add to flour. Sprinkle a little salt and nutmeg on the edge of the flour. Knead dough together, rest a little bit, roll out. Spread it on the fruit cake pan.

Cut both ends of the beans into small pieces, pull out the strings, blanch in light salted water until al dente, drain when cool. Pluck off thyme and chop coarsely. Clean tomatoes, remove seeds, cut into corners. Scrape zucchini with kitchen paper, cut in half lengthwise, cut half-moons. Cut cauliflower roses from the stem into small pieces, clean young onion, cut into rolls. Remove seeds from peppers, clean, cut into small pieces.

Beat and mix eggs, mix with cream cheese and yogurt, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Heat frying pan with canola oil, fry all together vegetables in it. Add pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and thyme, season with coarse salt and pepper, cool a little bit, fill in the pie dish.

Spread egg and cream cheese evenly over the top, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake in the oven at 170 to 180 °C for 25 to half an hour. Sauté tomatoes in hot rapeseed oil, add pureed tomatoes, honey and fruit vinegar, season with salt and pepper.

Arrange Tarte into tart pieces, arrange on flat plate. Pour some tomato chutney on the side, garnish with thyme sprigs.

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs

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