Vegetable Soup with Kuzu

Rating: 3.91 / 5.00 (152 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



PreparationWash and chop vegetables, peel and slice ginger, chop herbs. Bring water to boil in a pot. E Add mushrooms and carrots to the boiling water. M Add ginger and half of the chives, and W add a piece of wakamealga. Season with tamari. H Now stir in umeboshi paste and half of chopped parsley and cook F with 2 juniper berries until vegetables are tender. E Dissolve kuzu in a little cold water and thicken the soup with it. Boil only briefly and serve immediately. EffectCleanses and strengthens the stomach and intestines RecommendationHelps with heartburn and against hangover.

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