Warm Chocolate Nut Cake

Rating: 3.84 / 5.00 (57 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the warm chocolate nut cake, beat butter, salt and yolks in a bowl with the whisk of the hand mixer HM790 until very fluffy. Melt the chocolate in the Cooking Chef bowl.

Take the SECOND Cooking Chef bowl and beat the egg whites with the balloon whisk and sugar until stiff. Add the melted chocolate to the yolk mixture. Stir in crumbs as well as nuts and lastly fold in the snow.

Butter small serving dishes, sprinkle with granulated sugar, and fill the mixture a good two-thirds of the way into the dish.

Wash the Cooking Chef bowl and then fill it with 1 l of water and put the steamer insert in it. Set the temperature to 140 °C for approx. 5 minutes, place molds on the steam insert, cover all molds with plastic wrap (so that the mass does not soften due to the steam), put on splash guard, set temperature to 100 °C and steam the casseroles for approx. 40 to 50 minutes.

Then remove the foil again. Gently loosen finished cooked carrots at the edge with a pointed knife and turn out. Serve the warm chocolate nut cake with chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

If you prefer liquid chocolate, fill each ramekin only halfway, place small baking wafers inside, place some small chocolate pieces on top and cover with the remaining mixture. The center stays nice and liquid this way.

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