Whitefish with Potatoes

Rating: 2.25 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Freshly caught under the ice, whitefish naturally taste exceptionally good. This will not be possible for every connoisseur, but fish must be fresh: That is the be-all and end-all of good fish cuisine.

Fortunately, modern catching and cooling methods guarantee that today you can get fresh fish even in the deepest inland areas. Still, there’s no harm in knowing how to recognize freshness. Important sign: Dark red gills! Fresh fish have clear, shiny eyes, dark red gills, tightly attached smooth scales and – also a fresh smell. The flesh must be elastic: If a dent remains in the fish after finger pressure, it is no longer fresh.

Scale, gut and fillet the fresh fish:

Here’s how to scale: grab the fish by the tail with a harness hanger, and scrape off the scales from the tail toward the head with a knife held flat. Under water, the scales will not splash around the kitchen. (Of course, do not scale fish that you want to “blue” such as carp, tench, trout and eel.

These they must only very carefully rinse off during the cleaning, so that the mucus layer, which is important for the blue coloration, is not injured.

Gutting: Using a sharp kitchen knife, cut open the belly, also from the tail to the head, and carefully remove the intestines. Important: Do not damage the gall bladder, otherwise the fish can develop an unpleasant taste.

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