Zucchini Flowers in Wine Batter with Colorful Vegetable Filling, Served With

Rating: 2.80 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Zucchini flowers:

Baking dough:


Basil foam:


For the filling, fry the vegetable cubes in a little bit of oil until hearty and season. In a second frying pan, toast the bread cubes. All cool down, then fold in the snow. For the batter, put flour in a large enough bowl, whisk in the remaining ingredients until hearty.

Carefully open the zucchini flowers with your fingers and remove the pistil. Using a teaspoon, fill the flowers, then carefully twist to close the flower tips. Dip into the batter and bake in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. This takes about 2 min.

Acidify the fish fillets with juice of one lemon, then season with salt and season with pepper. First sear on the skin side for 2 min. Now turn to the other side. Add garlic slices and kitchen herbs and roast for another 2 min. During the last minute add the cherry tomatoes.

For the basil foam, bring white wine and vegetable soup to a boil. Add 5 basil leaves, 1 halved shallot and peppercorns. Continue until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Strain through a sieve into a saucepan and whisk in the 3 beaten egg yolks over a gentle heat. Immediately before serving, mix in 5 basil leaves cut into thin threads.

Serve: Pour a sauce level on the center of each plate, place the fish fillets on top. Place 2 stuffed zuccini on the outside.

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